Top 5 Tips for creating great Facebook content


Before I give you my top 5 tips for creating great content, let me give you a few facts on this small little thing we all know as Facebook.

  • If Facebook were a country it would be the most populous nation on earth. Just to clarify, there are 1.36 billion people living in China and in January there were 1.39 billion people on Facebook. This figure is rising everyday.
  • 47% of all Internet users are on Facebook
  • 4.5 billion likes are generated daily

These statistics are literally unbelievable , and Facebook is only eleven years old.

1. Create Content which interests your customers

A company or brands target market is their everything. They have to know how to target these people on Facebook and make their content interesting and relevant to these people lives. It’s important to not just post about your business but about topics that appeal to your target market either it be a joke or a funny video etc.  A stronger bond can be built between the company and its customers. Red Bull the energy drink supplier are a prime example of this. They are known for their high energy and living on the edge lifestyle, they target 18-39 year old. They always post non related videos but which fit in with their high energy persona.

2. Post a variety of content

Variety is the spice of life, this applies also in the world of Facebook. The same old statuses get boring. Companies need to switch it up, either be a video, blog post, pictures you need to keep people interested! Some times it isn’t a bad idea to use a personal touch to posts bringing to light their is actually a person behind these posts, believe it or not Facebook isn’t run by robots! Interactivity and Engagement are the keys to Facebook. Ask people their opinions and thoughts of various topics, you are guaranteed responses! Posts that include a prompt for conversation or a question receive 70% above average engagement

3. Drive Click-Throughs

A link posted by a business with no description or explanation will not generate many clicks. It is always important to move your Facebook followers to other pages either it be to the businesses official website or polls etc. It can also increase the likely hood of people downloading a possible app. Lowe’s an American home improvement company have cleverly posted a link to a quiz in which their Facebook followers can click onto and see what they get in the quiz. It is interactive and shows that believe it or not there is life outside Facebook! This may also be enhanced by sharing stories and links to articles or news in relation to various products reviews or a blog on what events are coming up for the business. This makes them feel important and part of the brand.


4.  Note when your fans are online

Although it is definitely safe to say Facebook never sleeps, a business or brand should note the peek times of the day their target market are mainly online.  Pages that suffer from low engagement are ones who don’t do their research on this. It is easy to know how many people your post has reached, but are they the people your targeting? This can be viewed through ‘Facebook Insights’. Teenagers may be active 24 hours a day but for example if you are targeting mothers then it is very unlikely they will be online past 12 a.m. If your looking for responses then maybe the afternoon may be the best time for you to post! Businesses must strive to know these peoples lifestyles and not just few them as a ‘like’ on your page. If you try to be interactive and fail it does not reflect well on your page and ultimately your business.

5. Be Thankful & Examine Comments as they happen

What’s the point of asking people their opinion and then going missing once their post is updated? A lot of firms are guilty of this. It’s almost as if their asking a question but don’t care to hear the answer. Studies have shown that likes, shares and comments are generally made within the first few hours after an update is posted. It is important to check posts early and often so peoples voices go unheard. This will increase communication and interactivity in the future. It is also beyond important to make fans and followers feel valued and make sure their support doesn’t go unnoticed. This can encourage loyalty and entice people to get engaged who maybe haven’t before. Facebook is a community, make sure everyone is a part of it.

Thanks for checking out my top top five tips for great Facebook content!

At the end of the day, we cant live with Facebook and won’t survive without it…..

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